Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tone & Color : Sole Collector.com


Like stated in the lecture, tone and color definitely play a hierarchical role within the design of the website. For the most part, SC (Sole collector) does a superb job in having the navigation tabs at the top and the most recent relevant news in the middle. By doing so, it makes the website far more user friendly to the non-so often visitor. In this particular circumstance, I feel as if tone compliments with scale the best due to the fact that relative to the other elements of the page, the recent news pictures/articles play a huge role in layout. Having the design in this particular fashion allows the viewer to be drawn to hottest news instantly, then led to their usual viewing tendencies. With the layout of the website in this way, the viewer sees the most fundamental elements first. Color plays a huge role in this website because it highlights particular elements and areas to draw attention to importance. Furthermore, with all the vibrant colored pictures and highlighted tabs it is easy to navigate with this interface. Since color of certain elements are relevant only in particular circumstances, the website makes an effort to not overwhelm the reader with color in many different spaces. Color interacts with a variety of shapes on this page to differentiate different things. In some cases it happens to be coinciding with links, and in another it happens to be implements with buttons to other pages. In this case, the color is used to help with the "pop-out" effect like previously stated, to show importance. In other words, the color along with the tone work together to manage visual complexity. In doing so, this site becomes far more user friendly to anyone.

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