Tuesday, September 28, 2010


In a rush.

Body language, above anything else in this image, is extremely evident. First off, the first lady seems extremely frazzled with balancing a telephone conversation and filled out paperwork simultaneously. The following person portrays himself as prepared for whatever he is about to do, but is still somewhat nervous for the task ahead. His look of uncertainty on his face explains his situation accurately. For the remainder of the picture, each of the individuals have particular looks on their faces that explain their emotional response to their environment.

By taking one glance at this photo, one could quickly understand that the people shown are definitely uneasy. While you wouldn't know that the explanation of this image was for unemployment, due to the upscale outfits and business attire, the individuals all look irritated and troubled. Verbally, this image says "Unless you want to be in the same position of uneasiness and annoyance, then get a job". Furthermore, from judging the levels of irritation in each of the people's faces, I can accurately understand what message this image is trying to convey. The emotional component of this image helps the viewer to realize just how important employment is. Also, I was thoroughly impressed with the image in the sense that it highlighted not only the minority's obstacles, but the working/middle class struggle to attain a job today. Since the people in the image happen to be wearing nice quality clothes and having business images, this picture also strays away from the image of "homeless people standing in an unemployment line''. Unemployment happens to affect people of all backgrounds and situations, which is why this image can properly showcase the problems our society faces. In simple terms, this image is described as the diverse working/middle class all dealing with unemployment (and expressing their mood through facial expression) while standing in line.


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