Monday, October 25, 2010

Dimension, Depth, & Space : Nike Foldable, Packaway Jacket.

This particular example of design demonstrates relationship between clothing and actual space. Having the jacket be completely wearable (and stylish to add) and also being able to collapse allows easy storage and accessibility. Another thing to note is the efficiency of having a jacket like so in two forms, with the jacket stowed away it not only takes up less space but makes it more practical for packing. In terms of movement in space, this item is essentially stationary, but by having the folding aspect the perception of the jacket is completely altered. Since the sleeves and body of the jacket fold and move can be changed freely, this item utilizes the concept of an actual object in actual space. In relation to the class lecture, there were examples in which the objects could be transformed or rearranged to have a completely different appearance. This jacket, since properly designed, brings society one step closer to being able to make everything portable. In an age where everything is becoming smaller, more compact, and easily accessible, this jacket is properly promoting which. And with clothing beginning to take this direction, it is not only until similar design concepts are implemented in a variety of clothing (hats, shirts, socks).

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